API Reference
API Reference

24 hours air quality forecast

timestampintegerUTC timestamp 10 digits long.
valuesobjectList of available pollutants present on the requested location for the given timestamp. Each object key could be any string of NO2, PM10, PM25, O3, CO, SO2.
value_upmfloatConcentration measured in µg/m3.
pifloatPlume Air Quality Index value corresponding to the concentration of the given pollutant on the given timestamp.
aqifloatUS Air Quality Index value corresponding to the concentration of the given pollutant on the given timestamp.
caqiEuropean Air Quality Index value corresponding to the concentration of the given pollutant on the given timestamp.
aqi_cnChinese Air Quality Index value corresponding to the concentration of the given pollutant on the given timestamp.
aqi_adUAE Air Quality Index value corresponding to the concentration of the given pollutant on the given timestamp.
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